where to begin? hmmm, where?where? lost in figure-outsation! oh yea, chinese new year! again, Happy Chinese New Year again from me..here..in my house..at the comfort of my room..at 2.38 am! hehehehehe! happy celebrating the year of the pig/boar! fung sui say good year to have babies wor! lilian too said so! sue her! hahaha..a prediction of my own, this is going to be one long, very long post! so let's!

as fast as it came, chinese new year is coming to an end already, at least la! more than half the 15 days gone already! ai ya yai! quick ya how time can fly pass by! haihz! well, at least on the bright side of this very "ang-ang" period of time, we get the most fun ya? of the good food served on dinner tables, damm chat good wei..the visiting upon both missions, the empty traffic thus the drawback of empty rows of shop, reunion of family in one special place near nor far, the memories of fireworks going 'phuiiiiiiiiiii-splatt' in the endless night sky, both as beacons of giving out positions or as weapons of mass destruction, haha, battlefiels deiz.. the various win/loose gambling sessions and the best parts, those little small red valueble packets people give out like mandarin oranges, ya those! thus not a so-fun-year for me and my family but we did try to make things work on our advantage, dont break the rules i say, bend them!
the celebration of this year's chinese new year was mainly in our home, as when the 17th came, one by one came ringing the door bell, throwing their slippers aside, entering with a keen nose equiped smelling for that once-in-a-year scrumcious meals that we planned for the dinner table on reunions! man, we were like vultures hanging by a dying calf wei! well, of course curtosy came first, we wished "gong hei fat choi" first la! what you think we were, animals? haha. three tables in our dining hall and still not enough to fill the whole family, we squezed and thus enjoyed our reunion dinner..good food man, good food! let me try to recap:
-rice, duh!~
-soup..that veg, brown in colour where when cut got holes! haha, yea, that!
-marinated pork ribs
-red-spotted garupa with tiau-yew sauce!
-...fish..ikan bawal!
-steamed white chicken..2 of them, whole!
-chicken redang..haha, malaysian ward..gotta fuse abit
-tiger prawns
-mini-mini prawns..not that small as you think la but smaller than the tiger prawns with asparagus
-mushroons, shitake with abalone's
-another pork dish
-some taufu & a mix of some chinese pili-pala and english hits on hits fm on the radio!
yup, imagine with 20+30 people in a room eating dinner, yes! thats the chaos, prosperous chaos!after dinner was a mix of liqure, a 10 year old sparkling juice, apple flavour, some mandarin oranges, some cookies & a whole lot of chatter bugs! yup, that's the night, my night of the ever-so-fufilled day of the reunion dinner! other days were in the company of family members too but now here and there with some touch of friends and further relatives! great fun to see them all! some friends came over on the second day; charmane, marcus, kyle, shane, chuck, chuen, win shing and mark in detail for our gambling session starter booster! small group, won 1 miserable buck the whole night and the rest..haha, the rest ya? my dear friends kyle and shane left with most of them, others were like here and there but mostly to them! all i can say, 'boh ong wei'!
thrid-forth day were mostly then at freinds place, still some time spent at home with guest but gambling at friends! in particular marcus's! before hand was a warning given saying that "ang pau's..damm a lot sure get one but have to join in the gambling sessions..with the relatives!" a memo, the most..how do you put it..hmmm..outrageous gambling moments are with marcus and his family members, yup..they are so lucky it's ridiculous! haha..so, i entered his house with a brave enough heart and spirit wishing everyone i see 'gong hei fat choi' and woilla, i got sitten down on the table where 21 rules! bad-bad moments begining but as later on came, one by one of the gang who came got the same treatment! hahaha..end of the day? i won! lol..sukak giler wei! ajourned to chuck's house later afterwards for another session with his family! yup..again won, lol..hehehehehe but mainly we were there for our dear friend kino's birthday! suprised him with a cake and a birthday song sung in three versions of our malaysian culture!
the next night came and all i can say that it was the chrerry topping of my already fun moments on 07's chinese new year with family and friends..i was at marcus and charmane's aunt's house, aunty sandra's! before this, all i heard was that the house was at tropicana gardens, a huge house, fantastic decor and ambience, teak wood on every..well, most of the interiors, with 7 dogs and a huge backyard garden..to my optisism and my sight let alone, i got a shock of my life how true of the things i heard! its even better than what i'd imagine myself as me, charmane, marcus, mei yin, chuck, haze and chuen pulled up! i was all "wow's" and "woojor's"! got a tour guide from nat-nat, and OMG, it's even fantastic! serious!..thinking back make's me speachless! haha, thanks again to the koh's for inviting me there wei! yiiiiiiiii! haha, that was a moment of self-pity! lol..ok, enough..get things rolling..again, we gambled to wee hours in the morning and the damage done? a few extra bucks in everyones wallet! yay!
later on throughout the week were still gambling sessions with the rest in various places and yup, damage done still..with friends of both parents coming & other way, visiting! "ang pou's come"! yum cha sessions were still on the schedule with outings to the snooker parlour, internet cafe's and the arcade's! never miss one these stuff! haha..and as fast time flies, came last couple of days where another of my dear friend yee ling whom had her post-birthday party merge with a chinese new year 'pai lin' party where me and khirun went for! a lot of unfamiliar faces were there but thus, the same goes for familiar friends whom went unfamiliar after for so long since we met! a great party overall with booze and cakes to be consumed! haha, great fun! actully, i had the apifamy of not blogging after a period that i felt "i have to blog tonignt" and yup, that's what i did..or rather done after a yum cha session with the guys..partially and a game of snooker at F1! of all the games played, i never fail to get a chalk scar on my shirt regardless of the color, its visible..very! and now, one by one, we are all getting hooked on snooker again, shaits wei! well, it was a competition ealier between the chinese; me & marcus and the eurasians; kyle & shane..3 games, again i state i suck BIG TIME but slowly learning, we won all 3 games..so next will probably be fifa on the ps2? well, bring it on! hahahaha, this coming from a guy who sucks wei, lol!


P.S. cous, i got your tag..next post will be what it was suppose to be, the tag! sorry for the delay!