followed doug yesterday alongside shane and jane in Charlotte for a drive down to cyberjaya/putrajaya. the reason, yes, jane had the elken company annual dinner to attend all the way at IOI Marriott on the outskirts of putrajaya. non of them had ever been to either cyberjaya of putrajaya..tad maybe not that far or maybe rarely so thats when i come in the picture, my college is & was all the way out there in cyberjaya so i kindda know my way around both areas of cyberjaya & putrajaya!

it was doug to be the designated driver for the night and so he came picked me up at wei! hehe, i know i wouldnt! made our way next via kessas to puchong & on to the ldp straight, nothing special besides the bad weather and bad as in bad sunny, scorching hot , the glare, no air-conditional bad bad! but all is good singing along tunes of My Chemical Romance - Welcome to the black parade, added flavour, marcus style..ahhem.."my mother, go market, to buy bla bla bla" cant remember! wait marcus 1 day..ill record it! went pass the 1.60 toll booth and 10 minutes woosh pass, we sampai! haha, after some serious signboard spoting and the woowahh's of the whole area being empty!
next we entered some archway, we followed the road up a hill, small one la surrounded by professionally manicured lawns, perfectly trimmed trees & plants that look perfect, not one inch out of place type and a fountain in the middle of this round-a-bout at the end of the road as the crown of the lawns all around, we tiba at the main lobby, arrival area! first thought! "waaooouuu! soo beautiful, sooo tempting!"..we were praising the fountain in front and not the architecture to keep in mind! it was freaking hot wei! and yes, in such places, we cam-whored! : )

being ourselves upon entering the lobby, we entered with the "woojoooh's" & the "ehhh's" so we again cam-whored to keep thy memories! the lobby was enormous! huge open area with high plastered ceilings give & take spanding over 3 floors of space with the pearl in the oyster, the grand staircase leading down to the backyard gardens of the hotel with multiple landings for a different view of the whole lobby area with the glass dome crowning the room up above..need a breather! "woooooaaaauuuuu!" is all i can say! thus with the amazement, i came to the conclusion that the lobby reminded me soo much i cant tell you how much but much much a lot much like genting highlands! yea..what laaa right?

enough of the lobby, we send jane off to her dinner and jetted off to god know's where..we seriously got no idea of where to go! as we were turing out, we did some silly stuff and came about Beyonce's Irrisistable, yo know, the "to the left, to the left.." yea, made our way to cyberjaya's street mall for some mamak-stalling but it failed, the food just failled, it sucks but we were watching some power ranger program on tv.ehh, i tell you, brings back memories weh! decded to go to alamanda so i got directions from a friend of mine..used her directions as well as we could so off we went..a right & a left & another left end up us getting lost! buugger, tried our best but yea, lost..L O S T! we were driving around aimlessly looking at the houses, american style weh with no gates and fences one? yea so we decided to stop and ask for directions! got them, still got kinda lost but we found that damm place in the end!

"yess!" "hallelujah!" was all we heard..amazed of the place a while till we entered! first expression upon entering.."yerrr!' you wont want to know, lol..but my final verdict of the place, beautifully presented on the outside, a little tad too plain inside, anyone has been there, you reckon? but yea, did a little shoping for upcoming new years, walk a little..nothing much and when its time to get problem! how do we get back to the hotel! seriously, it was hard looking for alamanda in the evening when theres light..what about at 10 where its all dark plus plus its empth.i mean there arent lots of people there in putrajaya! we tried but thanks to all our heads put together, we backtracked our way out!..yea, we had some adrenline rush ride from dougie in charlotte on the way back, me was behind tryng to hold on!..took a vdeo! look, look, see, seeee, jangan dont see! damm keng wei!
we raced with a perdana, did the roundbout thing in the hotel where we went round and round and round and get what i mean..and we fetch jane! oh thanks jane for that cup of beer! damm chun weh! in the car, we were exchanging stories and as we were going out, again that exact song played on the radio.."to the left, to the left" at the exact place ealier! serious..and then next..we each went back and sleep! ok thank you..rushing over to shane's place now..he's crying for help, lol..joking!
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