we were then still undecided of the place; it would be either midvalley of sunway but looking at the time, then 1110, we went straight to sunway's cinema to catch the dateline for the shows..still undecided but with a clear head on guessing what we would be watching already! parked the car, ran..no actually we walked fast, kinda in the middle of jog and taking large steps..and got to TGVC in time to decide..as usual, no decision so we end up giving the choice to the ticketing counter lady to single out our selection! so we watch babel! ah..no tickets for the holiday and epic movie too late to catch already cousins!

so babel it was. i freaking love the movie! hahaha.well, mainly is my cup of tea, several stories told simultaneously but some how related to each incident in a sad and kinda twisted, controversial way! nice, i like! starting off the few stories introduced this family living in rural morocco whose main income is by herding their goats.a simple family of a simple lifestyle and not of a simple mindset is all i can tell guys! then came a Winchester Model 70 bolt action rifle and you guys know what happen when a rifle is used by two kids whom are always on each others necks la! the next story tells of these pair of American tourist Susan (Cate Blanchett) travelling with her husband Richard (Brad Pitt) in morocco mending their marrital woes whom had a past of a sudden lost in someone special! but because of certain casualties, they end up more than mending their marriage! another part of the story tells a tale of a young girl in japan, a young rebellious deaf girl called Chieko (Rinko Kikuchi) whom is traumatized by the sudden suicide of her mother and is being "not seen" or rather being invincible/not paid attention to in other people eyes thus developing this exhibiting sexually provocative behavior thing where she goes around wearing a short mini skirt with no underpants! in some of her scenes, she goes naked all this to just get noticed by people especially boys her age! last but not least tells a story of a mexican woman, Amelia (Adrianna Barraza) being the nanny for these two american children who is kindda forced to take them to mexico in order to attend her son's wedding! but fun & vibrant wedding didnt get so happy towards the end as Amelia was forced to make a choice whist crossing back over the border!

Wooohooo, long story cut short! seriously nice movie with some twisted, complicated plot! up there? im simply simplifying the whole plot to make it less twisted and too changing the sequence of the show and the appearance of each characters! that i give you plainly the introduction of the movie, wanna know the rest? watch it!
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