Sunday, April 01, 2007

no once but two times the combo value

haihz, woman are always women, and yeap, me to start off the month of april is to reply not one but two tag post that has been presented to me late last month, ok, im not that one person whom has got so much time up his sleeves to blog, every other time depending on the situation, somewhat ill be regular and sometimes not, so hahaha, let me try to make this fun..haha, astrid..truce ya? preety please with a plumcious cherry on top.. : )

so the first tag up,

Last Friend you: (not including family)
saw - *a little thought* yesterday, doug, shane, kyle, yee ling, khai chee, weng hong, edwin, adelyn, teng, andrew, college friend ian & few other people i wasnt too 'sook' with, heehee
talk too on the phone - alice, just only, a minute ago..who else, yeap shane, kyle doug, jane, adelyn, marcus, charmane *considering the last friend as on the last day which is yesterday..haha..mind me*
sms-ed - mr money-making cheah weng hong! *see dude, i still know how to spell your name correctly after so long*

im - so very the full after a heavy breakfast in my ku'mah's coffee shop, sleepy too for that matter!
wearing - a lime green shirt, smart connection, an almost black kindda brown shorts, quiksilver, undies, bum and i think thats about it : P
what were you doing 10 hours ago - watching a dvd, bridge to terabithia..preview post will begin shortly but watch it, somehow, i understood the movie though my favourite genre
dislikes about tomorrow - none that i can think off, im sorry! hehehe

numbers - 12, no doubt..donno why no doubt too by the way..
movies - i cant really state down maybe because there are too many too give it a list so i guess movies from different genre's like fantasy, comedy, love/romace, drama, action, musical..simply speaking here, i guess what im sayng is it all depends on mood of the day sort! hahaha

are you missing someone right now - honestly, my mum..she said she'll get me something i love to eat and im still waiting..guess i can put that as "i miss" la..
mood - creative, i have too coz im blogging as we type!
wanting/craving - dunkin donuts..the pink one with sugar rice on one side! dunno why..

Q & A's
Q: first ting you did this morning? & A: i guess i got out of bed? : )

Q: favourite quote? & A: no further coments here, you know better..hahaha

Q: what's bothering you right now? & A: somearticle i read bout cancer for men..*thinking twice and posibilities, again mind me, im a natural worry-er..s that even a word, haha*

Q: where is the last place you went? & A: alice's house to drop her present off, why? because is her birthday today, yey!!! : D

Q: do you have any siblings? & A: like they say, 1 is what you call lonely, 2 is a company, 3 is a group and 4 is a crowd..yes im the eldest of 4! but i love them to bits! *hugs and kisses..muaks, haha*

Q: do you smile often? & A: is this a trick question? who doesnt smile..still looking for an answer..yes and im doing it right now!

Q: do you wish upon a star? & A: ever since i watched pinocchio! sue me, im a cartoon freak!

Q: are you a friendly person? & A: hmm, the questions here are getting weirder..i guess so, better conformation, i think you need to ask those who know me and not me giving the answers but i do try to be!

Q: what color shirt are you wearing? & A: again, lime green..neonny..bright-ness

Q: what are you doing at 12 last night? & A: at the mamak, maju with kyle and shane..doug joined us later..

Q: when was the last time you cried? & A: i seriously dont know the answer to this..

Q: do you get angry easily? & A: i get irritated easily but angry, i dont think so..hehe, me niche boy : )

Q: what are you about t do? & A: go have lunch!!

Q: do you ever check your phone waiting for someone to call? & A: situation base answer..yeap!

Q: rate life as of right now? 1-10 & A: ill give my liffee nnoww aa...11 1/2..i love my life now!

okey, the first one done and now, up to the second one..hooorey..*sarcasm joke intented end up me laughing to myself* haha, again ar astrid..truce dei! hehehe..

Pt 1: on the outside
name : Kevin Kok Lit Wen
date of birth : september 22nd 1986, go figure!
current status : its, friendster!
eye color : dark hazel/brown i guess but deffinately not black : )
hair color : now, natural brown..previously, dark brown, originally, black..jet black!
right of left handed : right
zodiac : im the virgin in the starts, yey.. *happy happy for no reason* : D

Pt 2: on the inside
my heritage : i dunno wei..i guess im full chinese? got to check on my mum's side..
my fear : must i say this here again..people will seriously laugh..egg yolks!
my weekness : confidence..its there sometimes and sometmes, it just go *kaPhut*
my perfect pizza?? : okey, uhmm, hawaiian pizza with extra cheese and pineapple cutlets..yummy!

Pt 3: yesterday, today & tomorrow
your first thought waking up : something to do with the time
tomorrow : i seriously have got no plans yet, might..only might be meeting up with a friend in subangs
your bedtime : no apparent time, just feel like it
most missed memory : at times back at school!

Pt 4: your pick
pepsi of coke : pepsi, less gassy more flavour
mcD or burger king : burger king..have you seen the size of the french chicken or even tasted..oMg! hahaha : D
single or group dates : *i have no comment here*
adidas or nike : have to be nike! unless there is a puma listed..
lipton tea or nestea : lipton tea, original tea bags taste orinally better
chocolate or vanila : chocolate..with no doubts!
cappucchino or coffee : again, without a, black nor with but preferbally black..i love my coffee!

Pt 5: do you..
smoke : yeap
curse : who doesnt?

Pt 6: in the past month
drank alcohol : obviously, was at wynton's birthday bash last month..april already!
gone to the mail? : mail as in post office mail ke or post box mail? post office, nope and post box, yeap! heehee : P
been on stage : the last time was when i was 12 i think so go figure..
eaten sushi : yeap, loved every moment of it!
dyed you hair : a definate yes..just last week!

Pt 7: what were you doing
1minute ago : i was and i still am typing this post..
1hour ago : i was lazing around on my bed..damm nice weather to take a nap wei
4 1/2hours ago : why tibe-tibe 4 come out one? i had ball noodle! ; P
1month ago : i guess i went shopping kut..not sure, my memory sometimes fail me!
1year ago : pullng an april fool's day joke on someone i presume!

Pt 8: finish the sentence
i love : family of course and too my friends!
i feel : like having dunkin donuts..the pink ones!
i hate : what im feeling hurts..the craving hurts!
i hide : and later you can seek
i miss : someone in particular! hehehe, i know, you know, we know..lalala
i need : to pee * been tahaning coz i wanted to finish this post*

Pt 9: tag five people
- mrs desmond on think tank..i love you cous!
- my little sister, the one who is constantly bluur! haha
- since he re-started blogging again, unc. wynton..
- last but not least, to make one's life miserable, other cousin on my blog, koh-koh aaron khoo from down the lane..actually down under!
***people, i did 2 tag's at the same time, i give you guys a chance la, not so cut-throat myself, you get to choose which one you perfer to do!***

Yesss! im done with the tagging and the posting, what a post dei, my hands and my fingers are now numb! my mum hasnt come back with the dunkin donuts so i guess i just have to sit here in my room a little while longer! haha..i guess this if me for now, again

Happy April Fool's day peeps!


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