first off, kyle has been accepeted into uTAR and he's officially a student there.the pj campus and not the far far away kingdom one all the way in kampar, nope..the pj one! Congrads man! speaking of colleges, me too am starting next month already at raffles design school..Hoorah! and im officially starting on the 9th of next month! fantasti-cool-ness! : ) ..besides that, me and kyle had this chicken rice at satelite for lunch and end up, the damage done was rm36++-37 worth of chicken rice! we were really hungry then! yup, nearly forgotten, halfway eating, boyfren & girlfren flies were having the time of their lives and they flew into our food! yup! *yeeeeeeeik*

oh and besides that, nothing much to brag about here but some pictures on the streets i took with my portable camera on my hp that still rings funny! before i post the pictures, have you guys, well not particularly for those who play foosball but everyone that has seen the usual foosball table, seen the lenght of this foosball table? i got the picture some time back, maybe last week when i was at the curve for the movies and Wow!, i started wondering to myself, imagine playing this one on one! now, thats a 'shot'! *tapping hands on the table*

oh, got the news, linkin parks latest album; minutes to midnight is coming out/released on the very same day with shane's birthday.cant wait! started to wonder what happened to them after the long rest they had since the collision course album corrosponding their performance with mr. jay-z! another picture of a new age mickey! yeap, that bery mickey mouse we knew when we were all back at our younger days, that funny blurrish voiced of his we all got charmed unto..yea, and now, featuring the new age mickey! *pic* hes actually marlyn manson on the cover for his new album; Eat Me, Drink Me dedicated to the happenings of his past year, the survival and his failed marridge, i think to the famouse burlesque dancer, dita von teese! i guess we wont hear that catchy mickey song there wei!

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