Friday, January 26, 2007

C.C.C. ,me

C.C.C. ? its simple Careless, Clumbsy & Cibai to me, what im feeling now! well besides frust! ok, i kind of misplaced something kind of important to a 17 year old and above person, something important, something you cant leave your house without, something that will get you into very much troubled, mafan, frust if misplaced! i guess you guys wanna know what i misplaced ya?

ok, thinking of it also makes me frust! arrgh, frust-frust! seriously, if i told you all, you guys will probably laugh at me..a laughter of suprise alongside frust and disbelive! you seriously wont belive it! even i dont belive myself i misplace this..eiiiiiiikk..thing! im kindda speaking sarcasm to myself, scolding myself, telling myself, asking myself the who,what,where,how,what,why's out of suprise! you guys really want to know? ok, let me take a breather..wait frust-frust coming @#!@#@!#..hold on, not done @#!@#@!@#..uhh..ok, better..i loose or kinda misplaced..wait, its driving licence!

yes, me driving licence! of all things ya? feeling disbelive ya? i can be so clumbsy you know! just yesterday i was holding it, went in to kyle's condo where i got to hand them (security guards) my licence, went in to drop kyle off, came out, took my licence back in exchange with the key card..basic procedure!

after that, i clearly remembered i did not straight away put it back in into my wallet but i held it on my hands while driving..a habit..then, all went blur! i could have put it on my know, when you are driving or somewhere else like the passanger seat..thats what i thought but no sign of it in my car! arrrgh!! haih..looks like ill have to take the trouble driving down to PJ JPJ to get a new one done! mafan-mafan! now, bugging my head is that how much should i bring to pay the penalty or is there a penalty to pay!

hoping now? t wont be as troublesome as what some of my budd's say it was for it was last time..past..hope now is now! hope hope! arrgh, frust-frust! oh douggie, good news..(sighing-sighing out of relief) at least some good news came out of it man!..damm, good news..i can play the battlefield 2142 co-op missons like how we use to play deiz! really..just came back only..look at my post time!..with ben & company! chun-chun deiz!

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