well, i did have fun! me and my friends did. from late night dotA matches to our usual mamak sessions and now to Starhill Gallery for a cup of luxury and glam at Tiffin's Bay. tha place s fantastic! imagine having a cup of your favourite drink in an atmosphere of mixed ambience of lights and sounds. great deco, fun lighting, sophisticated beverages came with fun food filled with great people whom create fantastic jazz. again, i came equipped with my trusty touchscreen camera where again, we went all crazy yet again, lol. props to the soliano's for their yet again another head-banging set of fantastic jazz pieces wei.so what do one get with a touchscreen camera at hand + a room, well, a table full of US..feast your eyes :D get 'WOWed' wei!
then came the other side of life when i experience somethng out of the ordinary, i felt a feeling that i thought i won't be feeling anytime soon but then it came on that morning itself. ths is the same million of butterflies in my stomach feeling i felt last year before two of my close relatives passed on last year! then the unpredictable happened as it as it was my grandfather's turn to be moving on! as the news broke out, mourns of silence and sadness filled the room like a smoke from a fire. at one moment, it was heart to take a breath but after digesting the fact that my grandpa has really moved on only everything went calm of the fact that it was old age and not other complications. but what to do yea, life goes on as the next day was the funeral services at Nirvana Memorial Centre where it lasted for 3 days.
in a way we all did feel the exaustion but we all could never choose to have any other ay that to be with you there grandpa! though he had moved on to a better place, his memories will stay with me till th...who knows yea! sitting in my room blogging, i can cearly remember what his advices are but the most common one's goe's something like this..in cantonese!
" In the Warring States period, the Chu State had a very capable minister called Zhao Xixu. He was well respected and held in awe by the people of other countries as well as his own. One day, the king asked his ministers "I hear every state in the north is afraid of our minister Zhao Xixu, is that so?" At the question, almost all the ministers kept silent except one called Jiangyi, who liked to curry the king's favor very much. He lost no time to seize the opportunity and said, "Your Majesty, you know, it's you who people awe and respect, not him! Have you ever heard the story The Fox Borrows the Tiger's Terror?" Well, here is the story.
One day a tiger was hunting around in a forest. An unlucky fox was met and caught by the tiger. For the fox, the inescapable fate was very clear -- death. Despite the danger, the fox thought hard to find a way out. Promptly, the fox declared to the tiger, "How dare you kill me!" On hearing the words the tiger was surprised and asked for the reason" The fox raised his voice a bit higher and declared arrogantly: "To tell you the truth, it's I who was accredited by God to the forest as the king of all the animals! If you kill me, that will be against the God's will, you know?" Seeing that the tiger became suspicions, the fox added: "Let's have a test. Let's go through the forest. Follow me and you will see HOW THE ANIMALS ARE FRIGHTENED OF ME."
The tiger agreed. So the fox walked ahead of the tiger proudly through the forest. As you can imagine, the animals, seeing the tiger behind, were all terribly frightened and ran away. Then the fox said proudly: "There is no doubt that what I said is true, isn't it?" The tiger had nothing to say but to acknowledge the result. So the tiger nodded and said: "You are right. You are the king."
When Minister Jiangyi finished the story above, he added to the king: "It seems as if the northern neighbors were afraid of Minister Zhao xixu. In fact, they are afraid of Your Majesty just as the animals were afraid of the tiger not of the fox." The king was very pleased at Minister Jiangyi's words. And never doubted its truth.
A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood "
I Love You" and "I'll MIss You" yeh yeh!

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