Saturday, November 25, 2006

about a boy...only a boy

well, since i re-started my blogging habits again and now that i have that i feel ''ok, wat to write..", here comes a new random entry. A few things about me:
im a sucker for toys. i am. sometimes not only action figures based on comic superhero's or characters from games nevertheless anime but occasionally toy's from McDonalds Happy Meal pack and those furry, cute soft toys. yea, a softie. so what. im sensitive weh, lol :D
i have a thing when ordering drinks everywhere i go. picky or fussy may be the word but notice that i only order teh-o-ais and besides the regular ais kosong in the mamak and milo-ping at my aunt's shop, Uncle Lim's. maybe i just like the way that particular drink is served there. u can never go wroung with teh-o-ais weh!
i love my coffee at Coffee Bean! a MUST have's; an extreme caremel ice blended! umh!
my idea of torture. Dancing Queen on repeat. beh-tahan ABBA. so agree with you cous!
there's only one thing..well, 1 important 1..i get very disgusted with egg yolks. yes, i do. cannot stand looking at those watery 1's but instead i eat those cooked, spered around, and mixed like telur setengah masak and ommellete.
i love shopping! period!
i sing the ABC's in my head when ever i have to look something up in the dictionary or the index book (if they are no alphabets) or else HabiS!! i wont have a clue of which alphabet comes next!
i may be a forgetfull bugger, times when people tells me something, i tend to forget in the next couple of hours. but then, the things people tells me always comes back to me in the weirdest times of places!
i'm a woose (is that how they spell it? lol) when it comes to movie's or events similiar to/like 'wicker park' and 'a lot like love'. i actually tear sometimes, lol!
i have no no.10 now but you now, im just a ME! plain ME!!

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