Thursday, May 31, 2007

Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam

..simply means the "Soceity Republic of Vietnam" it out loud and it gives a cool somewhat weird 'ring to it ya?..hahaha.."WOW-zza" this is feeling weird yet fimiliar! hahaha, it so weird-out now and the feeling of getting-use-to again is getting unto me here again..its been a while man! well, since i log it, wrote something here for everyone out there to see..i apologise for my absence here and there..ive been busy man..real busy and okey, unlike working, im constanty having my head lean towards my drafting table guiding my pen & pencils for a job well done work till late nights most of the time..heck, till now, they are still piling up faster than snatching candy from the baby quote-actually-done!

but too, i did got myself a 'M-C' leave from my almost daily routine on the weekdays and head up north where the land becomes the 'River Interior' it was worth it, the 5 days there up in Hanoi/ Hà Nội/ HAN which ever one makes you happy calling it, its all the same! man, upon arriving, everything went to hectic calm yet adventurous..youd have to be there to understand! haha, but yea, Hanoi was cool!..overall, not to mention Bali the last time, the changing and the calculatons of the reverting currrency matter came back..this time the đồng with the many, many, many zero's! yes! the '0' fear yet made simplifiel with the USD but still fear of the '0'..anyhow, pictures will come soon all togeter with the whole trip story-time! till now, assignments!! feels good to be back somewhat/somehow, haha!


Jared said...

update la...niamah...

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