just let me start by saying..my week started out a wet one..not that kind of wet la tibai..thupit!! but a heavy downpour over kl as i was making my way back after classsoaking freaking wet and luckily my assignments were untouched!..after that said..
oh mye god! its been a week since i blogged and yea, oh i have so much pictures of random events i love to post since of last week's event of somebody's birthday, the big 2-1 la consider of the month! yea..yea, i allowed marcus..actually no, i played hard on the arcade game but then, but still..he beat me 3 rounds where by, i did..ironically to give him 3 rounds on a platter..haha..shot la!!
so yea, his birthday..the highlight of the month came rather suprisingly fill with suprise from here, there and beyond! yes..he would recieve gifts here and a friend would come to where ever he his, e.g. ta kei chiong, mamak..and tibe-tibe lea, a friend would come down from from someplace far..lets say, langkawi to suprise him..well, at least it did work for him and not the others..kinda, yes..wynton is back in KL momentarily taking break from the slow life up north on the islands..its great to have you back here la dude! : D

so yea, back unto the week we all had, we had a small get-to-gether party at this cafe on kuchai's on the night itself, on marcus's birthday..if im not mistaken, its island cafe kut..place..moderate..drinks..who can go wrong with beer..company..priceless espicially when the birthday boy was told to blow the candles and make a wish! hahaha..heee..but it was all good and great fun ended as we wraped it all up by 12ish 1 close to 2 before 230..yea~! amongst the company attended was the usual us gang of me, kyle, doug, char and chris-seng lok with the special touch from mei yin, mark & allison, kino & veron, sheryl, chia li, yuna, jon chuen, khirun who just finish work with the birthday boy somewhere in the middle of three-four tables in a horisontal row..and all it ended with a cake, loads of drinks on the table all many many cam-whored pictures courtosy by me and doug! pictures came out chun wei!
later after that night, we still had mamak-stalling sessions here and there..usual la and yeap..wei-wei's cute little cupcakes baked and hand-made to marcus as a gift the following day..once he saw it..i tell you, he didnt want to eat it..all he can say was, "oh, so sweet" or "im so happy right now"
haih's, haha but besides that, i did the usual stuff of visiting both coffee bean and secret recipe when ever im free with no other intentions what-so-ever and only missionsa dn no difference with college of assignments due on the week after its given sort..handling pretty well i must say and im holding on thight for dear life! oh, and yesterday besides mamak sessions and welcomed wynton back, i went and watch kyle have his dart tournament in golden sun club, also along kuchai but yes..sorry kyle, i only arrived when he had a couple games left..he plak was there the whole day already and me..i only came at bout 8++ to chear him up! overall, great night la kyle..you did good, not great..good! if it was great, you would have won already but yea, good! hahaha, theri team made it to the top sixteen and tehy are playing right now as i type in golden sun..good luck kyle! good luck aristos! whack the competition clean! haha..

i guess thats for now..maybe another post a little later but now, i have to do a little of y assignments on the net! cioaz for now..
