three things that scare me:
..yolks..egg yolks..the Drippy Ones..
>IT..no elaboration needed..still scares me till this day
three people who makes me laugh:
..mister Rojak feller by the road side of my blok
-the I.T.a..no one in particular here coz all of us are plainly jokers
>Mr. Russle Peters
three things I love:
>My interest in art & all things art! *this one i know wei..no need to think..heee*
three things I hate:
..ooo, there is the "hate" category here, forgotten (heee)..hmm, same-same, egg yolks!
-baju's from Sub..there, everything is either in black or white in color one?
>movies-not-to-expectation type movies when they hit the previews or the media! potong stim wei!
three things I dont understand(never):
-'Rock-eater' jokes..heeeheee
>japanese linggo..i'd try to guess what will they'll respose be regrading the stuation but never once get it!
three things on my desk:
..my handphone
-ms. Elaine Wong Yee Ling's present..Happie Birthday again!
>lots of other rubbish..dust bunnies hopping here and there!
three things im doing right now(besides blogging):
..figuring-out which next 3 people i would like to tag
-surfing the net clearing my piles & piles of mail in yahoo and hotmail!
>recapping my night's out..*(heeeheeeeheeeheee..eik, sukak giler) sorry!
three things I want to do before I die:
..visit the world..some places intended already!
-own myself a Mini..of course it would be best for a Cooper-S to drive by lu~
>do something regarding the subject im taking and making it big..as in Big Big!
three things I can do:
..hmm, drive?
-I can draw..sketch?
>draw a perfect human figure..last time it was stick man inflated ones!
three things you should listen to:
..James Morrison
-advice from your parents
>advices from your friends!
three things you should never listen to:
..advices from Me! lol, joking! hahahahahaha
-saddistic songs..i dont know, Marilyn Manson maybe?
>a drunkard..wait, maybe that is what you should listen too coz all secrets will spill out? hehehehehe
three things i like to learn to do:
..draw even better
-having my own place to handle things on my own!
>make booze..ya wei, that will be the day wynton will smile and not frown!
three favourite foods:
..omellette du formage! *correct spelling ya?
-indomee goreng in pac man mamak!
>pan mee with lots and lots & lots of ikan bilis!
three beverages I drink regularly:
..water..bottles & bottles of water :D
>coffee bean's extreme caramel with whip cream attop again with caramel glaze! yummmm :P
three TV shows/books I watched?read as a kid(and kid i refer myself as before hitting the age of twelve):
..sesame street, "sunny Day.."..Power Rangers, every single one!..ultraman!
-doremon comics -dragon ball comics -oh yea and that MICKEY magazine last tme at news stands! :D
three people I have to tag:
..charmane, the proctector of the sun
-the one sitting on the throne, kyle
so yea, a short post regarding yesterdays trip down the curve, damansara as we were heading to sanctuary! dam nice place wei, to chill, to dance to drink, and again to chill for the deco there is..wooojor, fantastic chinese cursed of the golden flower inspired! haha..chun-chun

well, before everything, i had a date appointment! i have been invited to join these to girls, my friends la of course, to sanctuary, the curve at 11! i did go, who wouldnt ya but with the company of khirun, marcus and khirun's two other friends who left with khirun not long after 12. as we sampai, the whole area was buzzling with youngsters..somewhat it had that college feel to it.oh cineleisure is humoungeous! long story cut short, we partied & partied the night away..which sadly at the sanctuary, the night was only till 2 which then we left for makan and off back home to get kong-ness!! :D

feturing the first ice bar in KL there too! -10 degrees wei, i was freezing my pants off!
Haha... Mrs Pui Yan che che is definately a new one for me!
I quite jakun leh. What is a Rock-eater?
lol, its a joke my frens tells us..never end one! goes like, what do you call an animal who eats rocks? =rockeater..yade, yade, yade..then another question, what do you call an animal who eats sand or sumthing like that and he'll goes a rockeater on diet! the name makes you look younger, haha!
Mm-kay. Heehee :P
my fren gotta tell it ler, he just has got that slang and such that it just sounds un-understanble funny!
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