again, is happyness with the 'y' and not with the 'i' though, i know is wrong..

deprived from the United States Declaration of Independence, "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" is amongst the famous phrases, allowing the reflection of each three aspects of a man, the "unalienable rights" of a man"..taken from my thrusty source of information, what Will Smith's new film is all about, featuring his very own, Jaden Christopher Syre Smith, an undoubtfully beautiful potrayal of one man's life whom looses everything - his wife, his money and his home but never looses hope. its perfectly respectable, simplistic message does make for a worst-before-is-better movie, in the vein of "Its A Wonderful Life". seriously, go and watch that movie, i swear, the whole time, i got my hair standing not out of pittyness but out of fulfillment & exescive will power brought through the movie..again, its one movie bearing that 'X-factor' simon is craving for on american idol, lol..
hope, in the movie, is potrayed on a simple piece of object, the Rubik's cube..there, the cube which come is multiple colors but havta match the every colors on each side, a puzzle piece you might call it and will smith complete it in less than 2 minutes, 2 freaking minutes thus i..haha, have that cube since god-knows-when and till now, is still in a mess! anyhow, just go and watch that film is one can..i bet the guys would love it..the ITA, the picky ones..yea, you guys..haha, fantastic picture!
its soooooo touching..almost like Wicker Park wei!! hehehehehe
kudos :P
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