post langkawi was hectic for us when it came to our tickets, bus tickets..thanks mi for the help..heeehee, we manage to catch the plusliner bus leaving from pudu bus station which left downtown kl at 11pm..the one & only bus going down..nono, up! direct bus and yea, hectic why? haha, we got our tickets a few hours before 11 on that very same day the bus is taking off! yea, actually, i got myself there the day before to get the tickets but see see yea, the ticket counter guy..smelly guy la, as in attitude smelly..told me that i can only secure the tickets, my tickets on the very smae day the bus is leaving..ade such thing ka? meaning, i cannot buy my tickets ahead of time! haih but thank god, not many people were going down to kuala perlis/padang besar that night and too, at the beginning it was only me and shane but just minutes before we got to the counter, charmane whom i believe has got mind reading abilities called us at the last minute and voilla, its 2 become 3! the more the merrier! haha..well, got ourselves ready for the night, pack our stuff and with douglas's help, he got us to the sri petaling lrt station for our ride to pudu and then up the bus!
thanks dougie!! : D
considering the first day
bus ride was horendeous! bumpy but the plus point, speedy! it only took us 5+ hours to reach kuala perlis, an hour ealier that our expectation but i manage to 'kong' myself whilst in the bus..upon reaching, shane secured places in this bus konsurtum for our journey back and off we went to the jeti..we ate some ok only food at the nearby mamak and got ourself on the 7am ferry out! another quick ride on the ferry, only 45 minuites, 30 minutes quicker that the usual according to wyn and thats it, we were in langkawi the next few minutes! again, i got some sleep! later after that, plans went a lil bit hectic again while i chum down breakfast..details not important la here for that matter butthe next thing you know it, we were riding in style to berjaya resort, 45 minuites ride from the jeti in a new honda accord! yeay! *reminder, the birthday boy has still no idea we were down in langkawi* sampai berjaya and off we got swept in to the resort shuttle to kyles room, 2041 yea kyle! OMG!! the resort is beau-oo-tiful! again, got our self in to another crazy ride of up hills and down hills faster than you can say "oh my god" but still, i got myself looking at the resort's peaceful setting..and too, hanging on to dear life! is as though we can fall out anytime with all the crazy turnings the driver was making! we all got our arse's soar la!
down the tramp/shuttle and into kyle's room! we rested, and took showers freshening up and here comes one funny part! before we slept i took my hp and set the alarm 1 hour ahead thinking i want to explore the place while watching this show on vision 4..what, nell? and the next thing i know, i fell asleep..actually, we all fell asleep..3 of us; me, charmane and shane slept on one single size bed! believe it or not! and so back to the hour later, my ringtone for the alarm, give it away by deepest blue came ringing! i was still nicely sleeping..but it woke shane up, haha, sorry shane..and so he tried to wake me up thinking it was a phone call but i continued sleeping! after few seconds, i woke up..just barely and took the phone but i forgotten to off the alarm. again, shane woke up and called out to me but still, no responce until kelsea, kyle's younger sister came and shook me..only then i turn it, shane has a fobia with that song and to me, it still remains to be my favourite song..sorry shane! i know i smelly! : P

later after that, us all check out form the rooms and off we headed to this place along cenang beach called the tomato..a mamak..and there it was, mission fright begun! me, shane and char hid behind first..behind tomato whilst waiting for the other car with wynton to come..once arriving, the fright time begun with shane going out first..he went out took a chair and just sat next to wynton..reaction: priceless..a shock with his quote, "ehhh, what the hell you doing here!!!" *nearly jump off the chair*, second, me pulak went, went around the table as though i just came out from the toilet took a chair and sat down saying "the toilet damm far la!" reaction: a second shocked same quote, last but not least, charmane pulak's turn as at the same time kyle went to take makan but pass it to char..kyle sat down and char was like the mamak fellers who was bringing kyle's order extended her arm behind wyn with the plate of rice, reaction..super mega shock with the same quote but this time, he nearly fainted! hahah..chun ya wyn.. as so, there it was, our mission down to langkawi..the end!

hahaha, not even close to the end! we sat down makan while looking at wyn's face..seriously, his face showed so much emotion that youd thought he is a retard, lmao!..overjoy+shock+hungry+worried+tention+exited+comfort! hahaha, priceless! yade, yade..we went back to perdana, said our "hi's" to the family and off we went to freshen up for the party of the century! lol..the summary of the whole partyby the beach? no time we did felt bored! we were eating and drinking..seafood galore on the grill tops with chicken, bihun, curry devil and some salad on the table. bottles and bottles of liqures with 2 barrels of booze lasted long to quech our thirst..foojoh! came down to the cake, bladdy wyn got 2 la..2 delicious ones wei! *jealous-lea;ous, haha* and of course presents from the family..what else..oh yea, and he got thrown into the sea! yup, the sea by his cousins and us, well, us flimmng the whole scene..shane has the video! that i will post when i get the chance! we were mainly drinking and drinking and drinking till we all fell..hahaha, well, i definately got high and so it was for me and shane that 2+3 i think..didnt care less as we fell asleep! again Happy Birthday Wyn! : D

*a moment of interlude for pictures before and after wyn got thrown!*
the 2nd day under the sun
the next morning was difficult.most of us got little sleep, some with after high effects shown on their faces and some felt sick-ish! we manage to hold ourselves together and got ourselves ready for lunch tomato, shane didnt get to enjoy the second day much as he was the one feeling the sick-ish effect as kyle gotta send him home to perdana to rest as pulak, we 3; me, wynton and charmane went over to the backpart of tomato to this small little shack cafe-like bar overlooking the beack to kena some beers! we were chilling and no too long after, kyle came back to kena booze with us! chatting and cam-whoring..haha, for me that is..and too, we played frisbee over at the beach..damm fun la for kyle watching me ran after the frisbee like a dog chasing one..but i think the dog would have done better job that me la because kyle was throwing like one kind! haha..most of the time, i was chasing the frisbee as it rolled towards the sea while cursing, lol! mind me la..oh, but there's this one time, i threw over to kyle so ngam that kyle recieved the frisbee balanced on one finger as it spun on it! damm cool-ness lo! haha, went to sing thye that night at kuah to kena the thai seafood/tomyam dinner..makan-makan and we went back to perdana for some drinking! on the way we played this game D.O.N.K.E.Y..detail of the game soemtime later but the loser has got to do the donkey cry..yup, and yes, im the one kena the penalty!
what else that night..yea, we makan some good sh*t problem pizza la aka masalah pizza on cenang and too with another serving of this 4cheesy pizza with toppings of only cheese..for different types of them, feta, parma, mozarella and cant remember one more but dougie, jared! you guys would love it so much, full stop! we then went back and minum summore with another game of M.O.N.K.E.Y, same concept but this time mr.birthday boy kena la! "oo akk akk ooo" haha.played some drinking poker next and that, we finished..almost a 2 litre st. edwards! neat!
the final sunrise in the islands
again the next day, woke up with a little hangover effect with some of the guys not sleeping or tired after that fun-thrilled night but as we know we got to accept the fact, we were going home that very day! we had to forced ourselves to move and start packing our stuff and we manage to with little time to spare, we said our goodbyes and off we went, to the afraid we would miss the bus..230 pm, we kinda multi-tasked a little, bought our ferry tickets, did a little shopping of chocolates and perfume and off we went, into the next ferry off..thannks again wyn but again hectic..bout 1 hour ferry ride and off we did la, some amazing race thingie as shane carried my backpack and i ran towards the bus startion few metres away! damm close to missing the bus la i tell you but see-see as we know, the bus ride was delayed a few minuted because the bus we were suppose to sit in couldnt start! nevermind..we took our breath!
moments later, we went up the bus as it was ready to take off and again..nice ride, not bumpy, comfortable seats..complaints? yes one! actually i have 2 la..the family in front of us, parents and a 6 year old kid were so damm bladdy..whats the other word for selfish..yea, inconsiderate towards others as they have to put their seets so low that the almost touch the floor..what about us sitting behind? haihz..i tell you! no mercy! haha, another one too..the air cond! woojohhh, is like being in a fear factor stunt with cold air is blowing from all sides! eiiiii, and of course, me being the softie, lol..was shivering the whole way thru! but then but still, we manage to tahan and after a 7+ hour ride, we sampai kl pudu..caught the next train out back to okr and violla, in dougie's car, again, thanks dude..we were back home! not after a meal at mcD's la of course..

and well, basically, that was the whole trip! we manage to accomplish the reason going down and ++, we came back having more! again. Happy Birthday Wyn! u take care there ya!
kudoz oO,