a few days back, the whole jin-bang went to Bali and guess what it was funtastic,exitenturous & both mind and body-blowing! if i were to tell what we've done everyday, day by day all the culture and experience and to top it off the shopping, shopping weh! in exotic Bali, trust me, i would just go on and on and on and on...see see! you know what i mean. but then again, sharing is caring yea so instead again, i'll let me pictures do the talking and some of the walking..bare in mind, it was all fun, plenty alot more, no less throughtout the whole 4 days when we were there! :Dseriously, damm chat lots of pics wei..so here goes;
First Day
there weren't anyone in the plane, well..at least no many people were getting on our same flight out to denpasar so we got row's of seat to ourselves deiz ..comfort section!
upon avriving, nothing but clear blue skies alongside the hot burning afternoon sun greeted us. rooms cater many many much channels and you blarddy know next where i rest my arse, haha. give and take, later after an hour half pass, i got my arse up and took a strool around my new found paradise!

*cam-whoring myself i did throughout the whole trip, lol..so bite me, im in Bali weh! dinner appointment was at 6.30 by the beach makaning fresh char-grilled seafood..food OMG, surroundings OMFG! later that night, we got a lil' taste of spending money in Bali at Discovery Mall..rp 1,000,000 is nothing wei, well if your a hardcore shopper. took a 10 mins walk back to our hotel and we kong-ed!

Second Day
woke up at hours that i was so not use to already since secondary school but what the heck and made our way to the coffee house for sarapan! omelette du fromage! and then..there we go, wee-wee-wee all the way across denpasar. got to a theatre to cultvate some of the Balinese culture of the barong-a myth belive of the balinese-come chinese lion dance punya lion with more elaborated detail and Wuallah!!
after the show, we stop by for some woodcarving shopping.they sell handmade dildo's there everywhere if anyone reading this is interested. bought loads of wooden balinese mask's and then it was makan time-time for babi guling-their version of siu-yuk fan! not bad, something different. after makan we made our way out of denpasar for more sights and sounds of more temples and sites! *more cam-whoring sessions along there!

pretty flowers at one temple..showing off my photography art..aheh lea, hahaha..and its also the temple which have a working spring..damm clear wei! of course, us ber-posing with our sarongs!
along the way between sites, locals rushed towards us selling local crafts and produce everytime we stop for pictures and potty-breaks..anyway but yea, the attention was coll, hehe, but at one point, no wait..all the time, it got crowded until it was like air wasn't free anymore..i serously couldn't breath but what to do yea, they are just trying to make a living! 

in the evening, we return back to denpasar for a lil' shopping..again..at legian street..shopping street! FYI, it's also the place where the 1st Bali bomming occured and thanks to those terrorist monkeys, the tears of terror still roams..the plate above is home/shrine to those who didn't make it out that day so let's take a moment of silence..let's!
again, some shopping (make sure you guy's hassle from more approprite price-bargain kau kau weh) and some makan time where we wunk ourselves in some Indo padang food-kampung style! and its off to bed for us calling it our day!
Third Day
off to the beach it was for us today wei! started the day off bad..why? we woke up late for breakfast, lol :P but we didn't manage to waste much of out time and everything fell back to plan later. off to the beach to look at some of the water sports they have to offer but actually we are off to one island somewhat 1.5 kilometers of the sands.
on the island we landed, it was like "Animal Gallore"..more a less, a petting zoo with most of the animals you don't get to see often! well, there we got to hold some snakes-pythons, mammals like the fruit bat, birds like the eagle and the malayan hornbill but the creme of the crop there was the turtle nursery, the biggest one there weigh's almost a good 2 tons and there were also turtles whom were only a few weeks old..OMG, they're so goddamm cute!
it was great time spent on the island galliore but we have more sites to look-see, look-see. i was told that the next site is about 2 1/2hours away from denpasar so i took my nap in the van but we stoped halfway up to have our makan-break! food sucks although indo food but the view from the table literarily takes the bad taste away..see, see! yay! nice paddy fields (sawah) rite! lol
after lunch, we made our way up the mountain to find another temple built next to a lake on top of a mountain! alongside the temple was a garden filled with clipped hedges and bushes with many many trees! nice..cooling!!
later then, we left the temple and fled to the monkey temple near Ubut..monkey temple-nice..but monkey(sssss)-woohooo, they were like some mafia gang on the prowl to estort kacang from us wei! jumping up and across to distract and the smaller ones will climb up ur shoulders to go for the 'kill'..talk about strategy! that visit was somewhat a quick one and next came the infamous tourist attraction, Tanah Lot temple-the temple of earth and sea! all i can say, a fantastic place to watch the sun set as one stroll around relaxing taking one's own sweet with a cherry-on-top time! well, one thing for sure everytime you get going to a tourist attraction site-lots of people ..it was seriously packed and now with the sun setting upon the horizon, uh habis, heat coming from all direction turning my body sweat in to a fly-paper!
and since is kinda like our last night in Bali, our tourguide (suka) brought us back to the hotel to let ourselves refresh our state of hotness & stickyness back to clean and smell chun! so, made our way to a chinese restaurant for dinner-i reckon the food was good good la, kan at least they tried! after dinner, we decided to go and experience another night of walking back to the hotel, kan kena shopping yea..we started our little walk from Hard Rock cafe and hotel and made our way back crossing the somewhat bintang walk in Bali

full of shops, stuffs like Quicksilver, Globe and Volcom got their personal lots carrying not-at-all-exacly-cheaper-in -Bali products but i got myself a pair of croc slipers wei! can see my sister giving her bitch attitude already la..biasa, well, you get kinda exited when you go shopping so soemtimes one wouldn't get what they want fast espicially when you are in a big group so one just have to be a lil' more patient and to give & take ta times la..anyways..walk, walk, more walking, stop and got drinks at the bar..walk, walk, sampai hotel..KOed!

**check out the croc's weh! Croc's gallore!! :D arrrrrrrghh!! yei!!
well, knowing the next day would be our last one here, i did tell myself that im going to make full use of all the hotel stuff that they have to offer..well, basically, make use of the hotel weh! woke up for breakfast quitte early and to my beloved, untold suprise, yay! i was there 1st amongst my family! *a tap on my back..che!! and so i ate..and ate..and ate till i was stuff! went back to the room to quickly sort my luggage out.
well, that took me over like bloody good 3 hours! no pool~no sea~nooo~eh..eh, i did get my bubble bath!lol..well, i did get enough for that past 3 days. time to check-out came fairly fast. tourguide came and took us to the airport and there it was, all wraps on my chun-tastic trip to amazing Bali as i sat in the plane waiting for the meals...
to tops the highlight of the trip..i got sick back here..ok tank que!!~
1 comment:
at last ur long awaited bali post. its nice! i wanna go bali too..
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