Saturday, May 12, 2007

yet taged-ed-ed!

haha, should i say "thanks Jane" or "haijorrh"? haha, but then, but still, looks interesting so ill give it a go dei! : P here goes and let me try my very best, let me try to rethink & recap my past back all the way since im placed in standard 4 ya? 1997? haha, forgotten but here goes..

April 1st, year 1997:

- how old were you? i reached my first 2 digits on my age, 1-0
- where did you go to school? i shall say..haha..S.K Seri Setia on okR
- where did you work? was i illegal then? duh!?! actually yea, the class brat
- where did you lived? old klang road, happy gardens where everyone smiles!
- where did you hang-ed out? mostly within school compound kut..
- did you wear glasses? nope
- who were your best friends? the Mesra-rians and some Sabar-rians
- how many tattoos did you have? none
- how many piercings did you have? none
- what car did you drive? Tamiya's all the time..i pull back and ill drag and it flew too!
- have you been to a real party? how real is Real? yes..mine and my mates!
- had your heart broken? yup, when i lost my batman toy momentarily but it healed! i found it!~

April 1st, year 2002:

- how old were you? 15 years old
- where did you go to school? bigger already that time so secondary school, SMK Sri Sentosa
- where did you work? i guess considering the end or the year at pearl point hotel doing banquet!
- where did you live? just moved to taman yarl OUG where people dont smile often already : P
- where did you hang out? mostly esso mamak..good times & midvalley..Hot place wei that time!
- who were your best friends? now the extreme predators mostly and still some here & there la..
- who was your regular-person crush? ei, no more glasses Q & A? that time..camilia lu..
- how many tattoos did you have? none still
- how many piercings did you have? none still
- what car did you drive? erm..then i shall say my bike! haha, i did get me around and its my 'car'
- had you had your heart broken? i think nope & i shall say no

April 1st, year 2007:

- how old are you? i am 2-0 going on 2-1..*you know the song*
- where do you work? im sorry to say im still studying but im kindda doing freelance ID..
- where do you live? still in Taman Yarl where people still sometimes show signs of : (
- do you wear glasses? ei, glasses Q & A came back! but nope..
- where do you hang out? mostly Bandar Park/Mega Mendung : P
- who are your best friends? i shall say at this time the ITA's..everyone i see-see besties mah!
- do you talk to your old friends? my old friends are still my friends la till this different!
- how many piercings do you have? use to have 1 but then it closed up..thinking of it again..
- how many tattoos? none still still but im's 1 on my leg above my ankel sound?
- what kind of car do you drive? a proton WAJA (AT.6) haha
- has your heart been broken? i really cant think of any right now..

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